
Rain in the Desert!

When it rains it pours and this week it definately poured! The kids and I spent 2 days crammed into our little trailer while the wind and rain continued. Earlier this week we had a normal decent rainy day then thankfully Wed was sunny enough to catch up on laundry and drying out shoes. Thursday we got hit! High winds and many inches of rain turned the Baja into a water world.

This is the main road that runs through the mission and heads into town.
It looked more like a river this week.

The orphanage buildings were starting to flood so everyone pitched in and piled 1000 sandbags around the mission. Staying dry was not an option.

Some teenage boys piling sand bags at the court yard entrance. I can only post 4 pictures at a time because the internet (which thankfully we have again) is not cooperating very well with me right now. I'll keep posting.

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